Team Jelly Arrives

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The afternoon of March 11th, 2012, ended up being a little more eventful than we anticipated. Momma woke up in the morning knowing that Kleo was probably going to gicve birth this day. She was very restless and followed Momma around everywhere. This was quite reminiscent of the last time when Jellybean was born as well. We had worked the date of birth out to be Thrusday, March 15th, but today really felt like it was going to be the day. Kleo was also quite a bit larger this time than last time so we were expected more than 1 – we could not, however, anticipate how many babies we were about to welcome.

Kleo Gives Birth to Six Puppies

So, I was toddling along, working on the server in my office – up and down checking the media center and how well recent updates were working, when Momma called me and told me it was time – it was about ?????pm. I mentioned that I would boil some water and get some scissors for the umbilical cord while Momma sat with “Klo” and helped her along.

Kleo Gives Birth to Six Puppies


At this point, I can’t help but reminience about out first experience with a puppy birth in our house. Jellybean I was such a sweet little soul, born ????, boirn early and very tiny. We were also not very skilled at this exercise. I have had dogs all my life but had never had the experience of dogs giving birth – I truly didn’t know what to expect. Little Jelly I passed after only a few days – a devastating time for us…very sad indeed.

Jellybean II was a true blessing indeed. I was on my own for that one and Kleo and I did quite well. I won’t pretend that I wasn’t freaked out but it all worked out and the “Googles” helped my out quite a bit with tips and tricks for helping Kleo along. Today, Jellybean is a huge part of the family – truly a sweet (and extremely fuzzy) little man.

So, more puppies were on their way….but how many? Our first new addition cam at 3:26 pm – code name: “Full Stripe”. She came into our world quite easily with no complications. The question now was….how many are left?

Kleo Gives Birth to Six Puppies

“Blackie” came next at 3:42 pm – I certainly was not expecting another umbilical cord. I guess that it makes sense that each puppy has its own umbilical cord and placenta, but that doesn’t prepare you any better when you haven’t experienced it before. So, 16 minutes apart and we now have two new puppies. We help them find a nipple and everything is smooth sailing. At first, Kleo wanted to give birth over by my closet on a pile of clothes that we were preparing for laundry. This area, however, was not very conducive for us both to support her and for me to take poictures 🙂 So, we moved her out a bit and everything was much more comfortable. The room at this point was a bit chilly, so we started the heater (need to keep a nice warm environment).

At 3:57 pm “Skin Flixx” arrived – a sweet, naked little soul (just like Lexx with Kleo’s colouring) – we’re soooo keepoing this one 🙂 Looks like he may have a mohawk like Lexx and a little bob of hair on his head. Thus far, two girls (“Full Stripe” & “Blackie”), and one male (“Skin Flixx”).

Kleo Gives Birth to Six Puppies

Kleo Gives Birth to Six Puppies

“Spotty” came at 4:05 pm and was followed by “Stripe” at 4:58 pm. There was quite a gap between #4 and #5 (almost an hour). We definitely had a false repreive here. Surely we had to be done….

Kleo Gives Birth to Six Puppies

Nope. Shortly thereafter, at 5:05, #6 (“Syxx”) was born. Now “Syxx” was a little bit of a challenge. From the moment he was born we knew we were in for a bit of a fight. Momma helped to remove him from the birth sac but he wasn’t breathing. I’m not sure at this point of how long it was before he started to breathe but it certianly felt like a long time. When he did start to breathe, it was struggle. He gasped for air and we were sure that he had fluid in his lungs. Momma rubbed his neck and chest and I ran to the “Googles” to see what was suggested. Two things came up quickly from a search – use a pippette to help suck the fluid out of the pups lungs and cup the pup between your two hands, hang it upside down and swing it vigourously between your legs.

Kleo Gives Birth to Six Puppies Kleo Gives Birth to Six Puppies

We must have been quite the sight. Momma attempted to suck the fluid from “Syxx’s” lungs and I swung the poor sopul between my legs like a pendulum – all the while praying that he would be ok. I am very ahppy to say that “Syxx” is still with us – smaller than the rest, but growing everyday. He is the miracle of this litter.

So, one and a half hours after it all began we now had 6 new puppies – “Team Jelly” or the “Bean Brigade” had arrived.

Kleo Gives Birth to Six Puppies Kleo Gives Birth to Six Puppies Kleo Gives Birth to Six Puppies

Medea and Tanit were certainly excited to welcome our new friends and it was time for Kleo to have a well-deserved nap.

Kleo Gives Birth to Six Puppies